Where do I go from Eva Cassidy?

Try to understand where I’m coming from and please bear with my eclectic taste.

With fleeting exceptions, I listen exclusively to Classical music (professional musician and Classical junkie). I’ve heard all the popular song styles, but nothing really appeals to me (no offense, please). My wife asked for an “Eva Cassidy” (who is she?) album for Christmas. So, I bought her ”Song Bird” and we both loved it! Listening to Eva Cassidy was a transforming experience for me. Beauty, Subtlety, Freshness, Artistry, Poetry, an Essential Spirituality and somehow she makes the unbearable in life suddenly seem--bearable. Everything else (non-Classical) just seemed like meer entertainment (no thanks). Here was a transporting poetic and spiritual experience. Now, I play her all her albums over and over and over…. Eventually, I might also listen to something else (non-Classical)?

But, where to go from here? As fussy and unsatisfied as I am with standard styles of music (again, no offense…), is there any non-Eva suggestion for a special artistic/spiritual experience?—maybe suggested from an Eva Cassidy fanatic who might understand what I mean. (Not contemporary Christian style—I record in that industry—and…well, pass). Something incredibly special, personal, transcending. I tried Diana Krall who sings very well—but, not interested—not on the same creative level, too much in a standard style, sings in a sexy vein (which I liked was not Eva’s intention in my perspective) and not really from a spiritual place. My wife’s Enya CD’s are an improvement.

Where to go from Eva Cassidy…?

A word of warning, live singers have higher WAF. Whenever I put on Eva Cassady or Kate Wolf mine moans and says "I hear dead people"!!
Swampwalker - Does she do that with Nick Drake too? Damn, I feel your pain! That's cold!


I would strongly recommend Loreena McKennitt. Try 'The Visit', 'The Mask And Mirror' or 'The Book Of Secrets'.

Marco- I'm not a Nick Drake fan, but she only tolerated my Warren Zevon tribute for a few weeks, before he joined the "dead people" list. Then there's Janis and Jimmy and Stan Rogers, and on and on. I have to admit it was pretty funny the first time, but then my teenager picked it up. I ended up buying headphones, which fueled a new round of upgradeitis and frenetic posting on head-fi.org!!! Now I've got 5 pairs of cans, 5 amps, a couple of energizers, etc. Sure fixed her wagon. Now I can't afford the Plasma TV she wants. Guess I showed her ;~). Anyone want to buy some high end phones?
I feel the same way about Alison Krauss. I find her voice beautiful and truly effortless when she sings. Try "A Collection" as a great place to start, or try "Forget About It".