Wher did the DB99 go ?

In a recent visit to VSA web page I see the DB99 no longer listed in the product list. I have read threads here on the GON where many felt the DB99 to be a cut above the VSA 4 SR . Now that the VSA 4 SR is listed as MKII could this be the reason for the absence of the DB99 in the product list?
08-24-06: Mystang
Thanks for the insights. I have been considering the DB99 or ZU Defination I've been leaning towards the Defination because of their return policy but was also hopeful I could get a listen to the DB99 at the up coming RMAF. But now thats not going to be possiable, I have seen the DB99 on the GON but without a listen first I wont buy .
Mystang (Threads | Answers)

this is a big reason some of these speakers are gonna have tuff competition, lot of speakers for the money available at the 9 k plus range, and some just have a lot more speaker for the money.. I know the Krell resolution 2's I think is the series are another one priced in this bracket but use a dual 8" pretty standard 3 way, they sound very nice when I heard them at ABT, but at 9500 there is a lot more, those krells should be placed at the 5 k range to compete with the Tyler's, VMPS etc... But they have the big name attached and fetch double the price, I would guess the DB 99 just fell between the cracks and was not in a good price braket to be in right now.
The DB99 was a fabulous model, and in my mind will never be replaced by the VR4SR. Too bad VS had to discontinue it, as I thought it offered the first taste of what some of the more pricey VS models sounded like, for much more "sane" money. Now you have to go all the way up to the VR5Se to get that, and they are not inexpenive to say the least. Really too bad indeed...

I noticed the other day they were discontinued as well. I am so thoroughly impressed with mine that I find it hard to believe sales slowed down enough to discontinue, but perhaps Undertow is right and the price point was problematic. I bought Tvad's VAC PHI 110/110 recently, and although it is more power than is sensible with the 99's, I have been blown away by how great the combo is. I've been doing a lot of equipment changes recently, and will probably continue trying different gear for a while, but I think the 99's are here to stay.