Whats the best record cleaning fluid?

I have a VPI record cleaning machine I got on audiogon. I need to buy or make a recoed cleaning fluid. Any recommendations or sugestions will be welcome.
Psychicanimal : Watch it ! You may get a visit from the Charmed Ones. (Actually, that wouldn't be too bad.)
What the h is Purple Death already? Maybe I don't really want to know, but I have never heard of it and you are the only one I've ever seen mention it.
Dumb question, but where do you think the dirt from the record goes?
Into the brush which then requires cleaning itself?
Or is the dirt removed by the RCM vacuum action?

Or another way, is the RCM more of a cleaner or a dryer?

I'm open to percentages here!


The cleaning fluid (any cleaning fluid) emulsifies or dissolves contaminants and holds them in suspension or solution.

The vacuum then removes the scummy liquid. So the answer to your question is, "both".

That's not to say the brush won't get dirty, clearly it will. But if you don't vacuum the scummy liquid off the record and just let it evaporate, the scum will be left behind. Even worse, it will probably have been broken down into finer particulates which will be much harder to remove. Using cleaning fluids without vacuuming is probably worse than not using them at all.