whats better integrated amp. for silverline sr-17

right now i'm using a sonic frontier SFT/SFD-1 (transport/dac) & sophia integrated amp. el-34,, driving my silverline sr-17,,,,got a bug bite,,,wish to upgrade/change my integrated amp.,,,my thoughts were manley(stingray),,,audio research(vsi-55),,,cary(sli-80sig.),,, price range 1-3T,,,i still prefer tube amps.,,,needs some INPUTS,,,thanks
Just taggin this thread as I too would like to know... for some other SA speakers.

I suppose a good question here would be "What is it you aren't getting now that you would want to get with this proposed 'new' int?"
I am very happy with the way my Creek 5350 se works with my SR -17's. The only other integrated I have tried was the Krell 300i, which was great with my older Sonus Fabers but just didn't seem such a good fit with the Silverlines.

I'm also using the Creek CD 53 connected with Kimber KCAG; and OCOS speaker cables. Replacing the Staple-on-steroids jumpers with either the Tara Labs or Cardas ones between pre-out and main-in was a good value upgrade as well.

I am astonished from time to time at how good some recordings are rendered by this setup. Little Feat's Representing the Mambo puts the band right in my living room, but wider and deeper than the room dimensions would allow in person. Voices are a particular strength of this pairing, I think. I have rarely heard duets reproduced so well with both voices rendered as individuals and seeming to own their own position in the soundstage.

I would characterize my tastes as tending toward that laid-back but on-tempo British sound and the Creek and Silverline pairing have been delivering it well to me for over 4 years now.

i'm happy w/ my system right now (w/c is my 1st stereo set-up),,,but i'm not satisfied,,, i want to explore the so called "3-D",,, i played mostly female vocals,,, more on the midrange than a slam,,,i wonder if theres more potential that my sr-17 can still do,,,or it reach its peak performance already....by the way i'm using synergestic bi-wire sig.10x,,kimber ks-1020 ic, kimber pk-10 gold a/c on all


thanks for some inputs,,,but i rather go for tubes


i contacted partsconexion,,,they have sfd-1 upgrade,,,i might consider,,,anyway i don't have hdcd