What would you change?

I have a system consisting of an EAD Ultradisc as transport, a Benchmark DAC, an ARC LS-15 preamp, Gamut D200 amp and VR4jr speakers, and find I am hearing some "grunge", for a lack of a better word, in the leading edge of vocals. There seems to be an edge to the sound, not a sweetnes , and I am seeking some ideas of what I might change to rid the system of the sound.
I realize the description is a bit week, but all comments will be appreciated.
As mentioned, a dedicated line and some power conditioning should help. A balanced power piece or a sine wave generator, like from Exact Power. Also, I would consider changing all of the wires and power cables, before replacing any equipment. Might be just the tune up you need.
Clean all connections.

As stated earlier, check your tubes.
I've a LS-15 and put in some Ediswan tubes. Real smooth.
Try cleaning all connections. The difference it can make is like investing in the multi-buck wires that most of us object to. Also the wires can develop an electrical field that may degrade your sound. Try wiping with some cleaning product like Pledge lemon or other appropriate electrical wire cleaning agent available at the electronic supply house.
Thanks for the suggestions. I'll try a good cleaning of all connections, and the tube sockets. Time for the ProGold treatment!and the Nordost.
I've got a dedicated 20 circuit, actually two of them ,but power conditioning might help. I'm in an rural area and have no interferance from condo-type problems, or neighboring buildings, but other than that I may still have power probs and not know it.First a good cleaning. Thanks for all the helpful advice.
Stop re-using that Q-tip you got at the beginning of the year. Splurge for a box! They're cheap!
