What unknown musical artist would you like to share with your fellow audiophiles?

When it comes to music, about half of my friends are "collectors" and the other half are true audiophiles. It seems the collectors are so obsessed with the size of their collections, that they leave no room in their budget for quality audio equipment. I think the audiophiles, with their focus on quality over quantity, are the ones with their priorities straight. So, unless you are on an unlimited budget, I'm guessing that audiophiles are more selective in their musical purchases. That being the case, I'm curious about what "buried treasures" have you been able to find? Thanks for responding and I look forward to discovering some good music, based on your suggestions.

I'll lead off with the band Crack The Sky, most notably their first two albums: "Crack The Sky" (1975) and "Animal Notes" (1976). I would describe them as a cross between Be Bop Deluxe and Frank Zappa. Their music is unique and totally unmistakable with anyone else. Choice cuts from the debut album are: "Ice;" She's a Dancer;" "Mind Baby" & "Sleep." Choice cuts from Animal Notes are: "Animal Skins;" "Wet Teenager;" Virgin....No" & "Maybe I Can Fool Everybody."
A new find definitely worth checking out is a Australian Band called The Teskey Brothers. I heard them this last month and immediately went looking for their new CD release and purchased, you won't be disappointed! Enjoy
@wassaicwill: Thanks for mentioning that your choices "can usually be found for peanuts on Amazon" I think that is important info to know. Many of the artist mentioned in these threads that I have looked up ends up being rare or out of print;  thus they are priced accordingly. So, it's nice to know up front that I can take a leap of faith on something unknown without a large investment. 
+ 1 for Don Dixon & Marti Jones. They are both still making records together as "solo" artists, with Don always playing and producing. Although those releases are sporadic these days.

In a way, Marti remains me of a modern day Linda Ronstadt because both of them have amazing voices, as well as impeccable taste when it comes to the songs they cover. Those artists range from:

David Bowie, Elvis Costello, Marshall Crenshaw, John Hiatt and Graham Parker, as well as lesser known artists like Richard Barone (The Bongos), Clive Gregson, Peter Holsapple (The DB's), Dwight Twilley and Loudon Wainwright. Of the latter five, I'd highly recommend checking out the Bongo's, DB's & Dwight Twilley if you are a fan of the "power pop" genre."
Jazz fans should check out Oded Tzur!  Some very interesting music with an Indian component - take a listen on youtube.
