What tube amps for the Quad ELS 63

I have recently purchased a pair of Quad ELS63's and am looking for some advice on a tubed amplification for CD use only. I have been using them with a Linn Classik integrated CD and amplifier and while they are OK they are hardly musical and involving. All thoughts appreciated!
Atmasphere has made an excellent point. After abandoning the 63s for the big Sound Labs I switched from Jadis to his OTLs and have not had a single regret since.

(Audiophiles are fickle and unfaithful. Divorce is cheaper in this field, though not quite inexpensive all the same.
Regarding my new gear (SLs and OTLs) I've been faithful for over four years now and intend to remain so.
II40 or 909.
for the period of more then two decades I have tried various ss/tube amps for 63,988,2805 and to my ears they work best with Quad electronics. I owned CJ pV5/Mv50,electrocompaniet,counterpoint in the eighties,then Krell,Pass Labs,Bryston,Athmasphere,Graaf etc
but always after longer or shorter time interval (sometimes a few days,sometimes a couple of months) i start feeling the fatigue, which never comes with Quad electronics.Give you a favour: try some Quad amp before spending money elsewhere !
After I tried 300B SE tube amps like AN-UK, Unison Research, Mosfet SS and other, I stopped to Nagra VPA 845 PP amps, which gave me great musical satisfaction for the last decade. I still want to try a direct drive amp dedicated to my ESL63, but I did not find one, or at least a DIT schematics to construct.
Any help?
contact Roger Modjeski at Music Reference. He builds direct drive amps for electrostats.