What tube amps for the Quad ELS 63

I have recently purchased a pair of Quad ELS63's and am looking for some advice on a tubed amplification for CD use only. I have been using them with a Linn Classik integrated CD and amplifier and while they are OK they are hardly musical and involving. All thoughts appreciated!
Greg, the D-150 I use is the 1975 all tube model, not to be confused with the classic 150 monoblocks, which most definitely lack emotion. You know, the "better" this stuff gets, the WORSE it gets.............Frank
Gotcha, Frank, thanks. The AR model I refered to above was indeed a monoblocks version. Sorry!
I used Golden Tube SE40s with very good results. I intiially used a pair running as monoblocks, but then went down to one - it did the job just fine with less heat, electric, and replacement tube cost.
Your best bet with the quads 63 would be a conrad johnson mv125 amplifier. this is 125 watts per channel & the richness you get out of this amp. is quite musical & revolving. I am using this amp with maggies 1.6 & the sound is natural & musical. Good bass & imaging also. I have been involved in audio for over 38 years. I owned original quads in Ca. years ago. Good luck Marvf5.
I use the Audio Research classic 60 with great results and also the Jadis Defy7 and of course the Quad II's