What tube amp mates well with Sonus Faber Amati's?

I have recently purchased a pair of Sonus Faber Amati's and have not yet decided on an amp. One of the amps I have considered are the Cary 805c's however i was told the bass may be a bit defficient. The speakers are 92db efficient and are rated nominally at 4 ohms. The lowest dip is to 2.9 ohms. I would appreciate any thoughts on the Cary/Sonus Faber combination or any other amplification suggestions regarding this speaker. Thank you
it is a pity that the amatis are not biampable. i have been through much grief recently trying to find power amps which can drive the amatis' woofers well. despite their fairly high sensitivity( 92 db ), the amatis do better with more power. i've heard the vtl 250s ....great midrange and detail but i was still not happy with the bass control. transistor power amps may have this advantage but i think that will come at the expense of the midrange/higher frequencies. i'm told that the new jadis defy 7 is a good match, i've yet to hear it.
i will keep you posted.

I must agree with Anne that these speakers will have better control with larger amps. I use Airtight ATM3 mono tube amps
which will drive the Sonus Fabers and control the bass. Other possibilities are ARC 200, VTL 250, VAC70/70, etc. I have listened to the Cary 805's with the same observation on lack of bass control. Siltech cables mentioned by Goldorak above are an excellent choice.
Dear Sir!
I have the same problem like you had before.Whith amplifier shuld I buy for my AMATI'S speakers.If you have allready somethink realy good,can you please tell me.
Art Audio Adagio monoblock with KR KT100 ( 60 watts of paralelled single-ended power )
with NBS Omega cabling ( better bass control than Siltech mentioned
elsewhere ) should drive Amati without the bass deficiency.
when i had amatis,i tried many amps.
my best chice was komuro second was lamm ml1(now ml1.1).i did not like to much vac sig.140/140 after komuro and lammm with amatis.(cat also must be wonderfull amps for amatis)
i think also that goldmund (as a ss).and tenor new hybrid must be excellent choice for this speakers.
for cables.
first choose your amps than you will try to find best match cable