What to drive my RS 2b's Infinity

I currently am trying a bryston 3b on the low end
and a SUMO nine on the mid-highs

I feel it is a bit underpowered.

Any experience out there with these speakers ?
Hi Drguayo,
I am diver, from Italy; I've had RS Ib and now I'm delighted with an IRS V System.
My experience with RS 1b was bass towers amplified with KRELL KSA 100 II, that work 200+200 wrms on 4 ohms, and ARC CLASSIC 120 for the wings.
I listened that times in a quite normal room, but if you have a large one I suggest ARC CL 150 on the wings.
Happy New Year.
Thanks to everyone for posting.
Due to sourcing equipment and the bargains to be had locally - I am going with bryston 4b on the bottom and
2 krell kma-100mkII on top. I will keep you posted on how they sound( I don't have everything in yet ).
I have problem find a user manual to connect my rs 1b which I bought them used. Anyone can help!!!!!!!!!!!!
For years I drove my RS-2B;s with a Bryston 4B on the woofers and a conrad-johnson MV-52 on the mids and tweets, with an ITI parametric EQ replacing the Infinity unit.

I have been collecting some gear so I can do some serious mods to these speakers. I am going to add four more EMITS to each one and run them as triamped line arrays, using Bryston 7B NRB's on the woofers, the c-j MV-52 on the EMIM's and mono'd and modded Dynaco Stereo 35's on the EMITS. The crossovers will be Bryston 10B-LR's. Infinity guru Bill Legall has reassured me that these mods should be well worth my effort.