what the best amps run revel salon2 stronger bass

hi!can some one let me known what the best amps to run for the revel salon2 for stronger and deep bass thanks. im thinking about these amps .mcintosh 501,pass lap ,classe,mark levinson,but i never hear thems can some one plesse.
A friend uses the 220 wpc hybrid Lamm M2.2 monoblocks to run his Revel Salon 2 speakers, and he says they work great. (I have not gotten a chance to hear them myself yet.) FYI: He did try to use some more powerful, but less refined amps, (the Bryston 28B SST square 1,000 watt monoblocks), but he said that the sonics were not nearly as good as with the Lamm amps.)

Another friend uses these same Lamm M2.2 amps with his Rockport Antares speakers, and he gets great bass response out of them too. And, I use the previous model, the 200 wpc Lamm M2.1 monoblocks with my Andra II speakers, and the bass response is very good as well.

As a previous owner of the Revel Studios, I can tell you that the Revel speakers do like lots of power, so I would not go with anything less than 200 wpc monoblocks, IMHO.

Good Luck with your search!
You can either check for a local dealer, or you can contact Perrotta Consulting, as they advertise here on Audiogon. I believe my friend with the Revel Salon 2 speakers, bought his Lamm M2.2 from them as a demo pair and saved a fair amount of money.

Perrotta Consulting

You might want to see if they have another demo pair. (FYI, Lamm amps are incredibly well made and will last you a lifetime, based on what I have read, heard and seen. I have owned mine for five years, and I am the second owner, and they have given me no trouble. Neither of my friends who own Lamm amps have any had any trouble either, so I would have no qualms about buying a demo pair myself.)

Good Luck!

PS FYI, they use one 6922 tube in each amp. This makes tube rolling both easy and relatively cheap. I recommend swapping out the stock Sovtek and replacing it with some sort of NOS tube. An Amperex Orange Globe 6DJ8, (the same thing as a 6922), is relatively cheap ($80 /pair) and sounds great. (In fact they are very close, sonically speaking, to the Amperex Pinched Waist 6922 tubes that my friend and I both use, and they are much cheaper. If you want the best, you can go for the Pinched Waist versions, but they tend to run several hundred dollars a pair.)
This is one of my friends set up he his very happy heard great comments on his system.
