What speaker to buy to start over.

I am selling my entire system and starting over. I am considering Martin Logan Summit speakers. Any other suggestions in that price range. I listen to mostly accoustic and female vocal but do listen to rock,jazz and classical. I am going to build around the speakers.
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I've owned the Intuitive Design Summit loudspeakers for over a year and my initial exuberant, giddy enthusiasm for them and their magical performance has not waned during that time.
Ocellia,it will do almost everything better than most any speaker out there.
Sort of like a Quad,but with much greater dynamics,less fuss,and wider amp compatability.http://www.ocellia.com/
There is almost nothing better,especially for the type of music you describe.
I love how there are 26 replies to this forum with recommendations, yet you still haven't told us what you're looking for in a speaker.

* What speakers do you have currently?
* What do you like about them?
* What do you not like about them?
* What are you looking for in a speaker? Laid back? Huge macro dynamics? Micro resolution?
I had ML Ascents with a Descent sub. I loved the sound but there was a hole in the upper bass region. I suppose it was the crossover from the panels to the bass driver. I have decided to go with the Summits as I do like the ML sound. I got to go audition a set and they blend way better than the Ascents. Thanks for all the suggestions.