what solid state amps for the soundlab u-1

hi gang, i am trying to find a solid state amp that will be able to keep control of the soundlab u-1 speakers. the catch is that this is going to be a living room "special" until i can go after a dedicated listening room setup. and no i cant futz with the electrical .this is going to be plug and play 15 amp regular wall juice.
guy's you still have not explained to me what the u-2- is. how is it different from the u-1 ? is it a replacement for the u1?
The U2 is now discontinued but, was basically a smaller version of the U1 - a no holds barred electrostatic speaker. In fact I believe Soundlab will still make a U2 if requested. It was not discontinued for being old or out of date, just that Soundlab apparently considered that only one flagship speaker was appropriate. And, probably that their existing offerings (including the newer Millenium series) offered much of the performance of the U2 at a lower cost. I am speculating somewhat on both these points though. Frame features and construction is virtually identical to the U1. The actual panel size in the U2 is somewhere in between the M3 and M2 panels. But the overall speaker size is more akin to the M2.

If you have any interest in the U2 then contact Soundlab and, with a little bit of patience (or a whole lot) you should get a more accurate answer to your questions - tho be it known - it could take a while.

so i definitely want to stick with the u-1 . thanks guys i geuass it's time for me so try to set up some things schedule wise. thanks again
The U-2 has the same radiating area as the M-3, but it has a tubular steel frame similar to the U-1 though smaller in diameter, hence somewhat less rigid although the panel is smaller. Nealhood is correct, Sound Lab will build U-2s or most of their other models upon request, and they do custom work as well. They also built some U-3s which were similar in size to M-2s and A-3s (this is where it gets confusing :-). The M-1s, A-1s, and U-1s share similar size panels. Any of you fellow planar-heads curious about comparisons of other Sound Lab models present and past are welcome to contact me offline; I love talking about them almost as much as listening to them :-)
