What's up with Talon?

Has anyone here heard if Talon Audio is in trouble? Some
posts on audioasylum indicate possible problems.
SHERPA hello ,your right ,their product was excellent and still one to beat!i have the khorus x series 2 and wont be giving them up any time soon.. hope talon comes back, we will all benifit musically speaking ...
I agree Talon makes or made, whichever the case may be, incredibly musical speakers. I love my Peregrine X Mark IIs.
They are without a doubt some of the best products available at any price. But I don't know what they're future is. I spoke to their national rep/distibuter at TMH Audio and was told that even they (Talon's own rep firm) haven't been able to get a response from Mike or anyone at Talon. They even went so far as to say that they still believe strongly in the Talon products, but right now are cautioning buyers as to the cloudiness of the situation. I really hope this is only a temporary bump in the road for what I believe to be America's best up - and - coming Loudspeaker manufacturer.