What's the oldest piece of gear in your system?

This site is here for the buying and selling of Audio equipment. This causes me to wonder if most of us have relatively new equipment. If most of it is new, what is the oldest piece of equipment still in use, and why are you still using it?

My oldest piece is a Sota Star Sapphire, but it has been upgraded. It was originally purchased as a Sapphire in the 80's, but was upgraded to a Star Sapphire about two or three years ago.

What's your story?
I've three tube FM stereo tuners - a McIntosh MR17, a Sherwood S-3000V, and a Fisher KM-60. All circa 1963 or so.

All I need is a Scott 310E or similar and I'll have a nice representative of the four major brands selling tube FM tuners in the US.

They all sound great through my Thiel 3.6s driven by Sony ES pre/main amps.
Mod Squad (threaded) tip toes. 1986. The points are still so sharp as to be hazardous.