What's the best interconnect for my Meridian G08?

My system is a Krell 300 integrated, Meridian G08, with Synergistic Research cables to my Thiel 2.3's. I listen primarily to solo piano and classical. Thank you for your help.
The Synergistic Research Tesla Acoustic Reference sounded the best when I had my Krell integrated. These I/C's added a rich midrange and tight bass and cooled off the top end a little. A nice compliment to Synergistic speaker cables. Which ones do you have?
I have a G98AH which is a G08 + video.
The powercord made the biggest difference
in my system. It went from boring to dynamic!
Like Joeyboynj, I use a Synergistic Research Tesla Acoustic Reference XLR, and it is the best cable than I had for my Meridian G08.
I appreciate every one's responses, they were all helpful, thank you.
A friend has the Purist Audio Aqueous with his B&W 802D speakers, Bryston amp and Wadia - he's very happy. I've heard great things about Acoustic Zen and the Synergistic Tesla. Acoustic System LiveLine is a new one to me that I'll have to check out.
As mentioned by Driver and Relentless, the Cable Co. sounds like the best way to go.
I currently have Creative Cable from Music Direct which I believe was produced by Custom Power Cord. I like them, but always wonder how I can improve. Thanks again. I'll let you know what happens if I upgrade.
Take care.
hi Runfast,we use the coincident extreme IC with excellent results,it only cost about $450 3 feet
,the Meridian will sound like should be,youll receive all the greatness of the unit.Regards Carlos