What's The Best Blooming Tube Amp?

When people think of tubed power amps, they think primarily of descriptive terms like warm tonal balance, harmonically rich and midrange bloom.
But many tube amps, particularly more modern varieties, tend to be voiced to have more of a neutral sound.

The power amps of old, like the Leak Stereo 20 and the Quad II's were warm, rich and full of that 'tube magic', wheras some of the amps from Audio Research and even perhaps some of the bigger Cary's tend toward a more neutral tonal balance.

So, what are your favorite tubed power amps that are renowned for their midrange bloom and harmonic richness?
Forget about those attempts at trying to combine Solid State attributes with tube-like qualities, what's the best blooming tube amp you've ever heard?

The jadis JA-500 does everything, bass, midrange purity, sliky highs, balance, details, warmth, sweetness, soundstage, depth, imaging. I have lived with CJs, big Krells, and am in possession of Lamms, which come close to the Jadis but still not quite at par. My humbly opinion.
The ARC Classic series as the best bloomer? NOT EVEN CLOSE!

I had the CL60 for a year and then changed to the VT130 which tore up the CL60 in midrange bloom.....the CL60 was not even close. And then when I "needed" more power for Magnepan 3.3 speakers, I changed to CL150 mono amps. Just a little more headroom but not by much.....and the bloom? .... it was gone. Oh well.
my friend, I hear big jadis 800's, big VTL750's, big ARC and many more tube amp. Bloom is wrong term to describe, right term is 'life'. You right that tube amps have more of thos life than SS amp can ever have. Some tube have more life than others. Conrad, Cary, Jadis full with life, where other try to be combine SS and tube and finish with nothing.
Quad II mono have this life and few other to.

I have Pass and Quad amp, and each do some thing better than other.
A man without tube is a camel with no hump (no sex talk please!).