What's better than HT Platinum Digital cable?

If you have lived with the HT Platinum digital interconnect for an extended period (3+ months) of time and then upgraded, what did you upgrade to? And what improvements if any occured? Where you satisfied with the upgrade?

I'm particulary interested in selecting a 1m S/PDIF in the $300 to $350 range. Here's the short list I composed as of today:

AZ MC2 $298
Stealth Varidig $300
Purenote Epsilon $350
I've owned the HT Platinum, Nordost Silver Shadow, DH Labs Silver Sonic and Stealth Fineline II. Personally, I couldn't detect any differences between the cables. At the same time, I have found significant differnces in analog cables. In my limited experience, you'll likely get better results spending the money elsewhere in your system rather than on the digital interconnect - just my 2cents. Good luck.
I too switched from HT Platinum to Acoustic Zen. The AZ is MUCH better! At least give it a listen, you may agree....
I've read enough feedback to convince me that the AZ MC2 is a step up from the HT Platinum. But I'd like to hear more from those familiar with the Purenote Epsilon digital and the Stealth Varidig and how they may compare to the AZ MC2 and the HT Platinum.

Make it three! I also switched from HT Platinum to AZ Mc2 which I feel is superior in all respects. I also slightly prefer the $99 AZ Siver Photon to HT Platinum, this cheap cable really performs!

Have not heard other two you mention and of couse system matching is imperitive so home trail of several cables is really needed.
I could never hear a difference in digital cables while using the low end audioquest cable,dh labs or radio shack.I borrowed a wireworld gold digital cable last year and could hear a difference on a modest home theater system.I took the wireworld digital back as it was 400.00 and i was about to upgrade my home theater to a b&k receiver and five very revealing monitors that all have scan speak revelators ect.I now use the az mc=2 digital and find it to be a bargain and one of the best upgrades iv'e ever made.If this cable can make such a dramatic difference on 5.1 dvd playback,i can only imagine what it could do for a high end seperates 2 channel playback.