What room treatment or treatments...

are you using? I have a pair of ASC Tube Traps and a pair of ASC Shadowcasters. I'm thinking of trying out the Poweertraps, but it seems no one has exxperience with it. I'd also like comments from 'philes with a small room.
Bgrazman - Actually, it's really not all that much. Ethan seems to believe that it's almost impossible to overtrap low bass. Don't know yet if he's right or not, but I'm using this as a learning experience and playing around with different treatments. I'm got a decent size room that has some issues, including a specific peak that I might try to address with the membrane type traps.

I was thinking about having Rives do a Level 1 on my room as well-and may still-but decided to go this route first and see what I learned. There's a ton of available information (and opinions) out there, so there's lots to try. What I do know at this point is that room acoustics is a very big deal and my room and system is much improved with treatment.
Of course, Ethan has a vested interest in selling traps...

Of course, the important thing is the sound--I'm most of the way done with implementing my Rives Level 1 (diffuser is 6 weeks from delivery, then I have to deal with the ceiling) and I'm delighted.

Happy listening,
bgrazman care to expand on how you built your rigid panels for reflection points

Based on the pictures you did a fabulous job

I'm in the process of building some rigid panels for absorption and need a bit of guidance
I have a room that's 20'x20' with a few open walls and a 21' high ceiling. A real tough room for audio, no matter how good the gear. Any suggestions for this room?

I assume you mean the "red ones" (and not the tuned resonators which are wood). I took a 2'X4' pice of 1/2 inch plywood. Mounted 703 rigid glass panel and glued it on with liquid nails. Covered in loosewoven fabric & stapled.

Hope that helps,
