What Patty Smith album to own?

New to Patty, and want to get a couple of albums. What album does every Patty Smith fan have? Or should have? thanks in advance. peace, warren
"Horses", most definitely. I also thought that her recent work "Trampin'" was surprisingly good. Not all reviews have been favourable, but that's not an unsusual situation.

Another vote for "Horses". Patty Smith's version of Gloria is definitive-bettering "Van the Man". I was in college when "Horses" was released. What a time!
Saw her on her last tour. Her show was much like her last album i.e. good if you are a fan of her work, but much lower key / more relaxed than her earlier work. I was told that her tour prior to this one ( about two years ago ) was very good and much higher energy. I had a bootleg album of her playing live from back in the day and it was great, both in recording quality ( for a bootleg ) and in terms of energy. Somebody borrowed it and it never came back. Sean

PS.... You guys remember Gilda Radner playing Patti on SNL as rocker "Candi Slice"??? That was a real hoot, wasn't it??