What made you select "audio" as your hobby

I've read many posts here on Audiogon as to the extremes many of you have gone in pursuing sound perfection.
I wonder what made you select this "nutty hobby" in the first place??
In the early 50's my 6th grade teacher informed the class we were going to have MUSIC APPRECIATION for one hour every Tuesday afternoon.I thought this would allow me to listen to Frank Sinatra,Patty Page and that new guy Tony Bennett.They were always playing on my parents radio.
Much to my surprise she played the The Peer Gynt Suite.
I couldnt understand why someone would make a record with just music and no lyrics.That got me started on trying to find other recordings that was just music and opened a whole new world for me.Great Thread,lots of memories
This hobby selected ME. In high school I got a job pressing records at the world's only (at that time) audiophile pressing plant. I soon became the Quality Manager. As a result of this experience I can honestly say there are probably less than 10 people alive who know as much about the secrets of vinyl as I do. Before I required reading glasses I could simply look at a freshly cut lacquer and tell the producer everything he/she needed to know about the eventual outcome of the finished product. But alas those days are long gone, as is my near-field vision! But the ears are still fine and I take great delight in exposing this current generation to the glories of analog playback.
Oem, your story proves that music appreciation should still be taught in every school. There are countless classical pieces & many operas that stir the soul of most young listeners. I think "America"-in particular-would benefit significantly from the excitement(without war), satisfaction(without overcoming/destroying), release(without the build up of anger & fear)and relaxation great music can provide. I can't help but imagine how much finer America and our pool of leaders would be if 'even' 1/2 the "warmaking" budget was spent on music, arts & the basics for the populace.
Do perhaps some of use this hobby as an escape from daily cares?
I'm guilty.
I thank you all for your participation. Some posts were very humorous,some brought back memories.
I hope i didnt offend any of you with the word 'AUDIO".
I know that two camps exist.Some say its the music that counts not the equipment.
Well of course its the music but i had to re-think this a few years back when i passed on a 6 Eye Columbia "Sketches of Spain" that was selling for $80 but bought a $7500 amp the very same day.
In this hobby the only thing that matters is how you feel when you hear the music.It matters not if you found it early in life at school as Oem did or if you were exposed to it from listening to your parents system,or the light was just turned on yesterday.
Perhaps poster Psacanli is correct and we should be trying to have "Music Appreciation" back in our schools.
After all,look what it did for us.
Thank you all again
Enjoy your music