What kind of amplification for Martin Logan SL3 ?

I own Martin Logan SL3 and look for an amplifier (in the same price range) that could match with. Untill now, everything I've heard gave me the impression of missing details, sounded too cold or didn't deliver power enough to make me forget the low sensitivity of electrostatics. O_Gorcz@hotmail.com
The amp I currently use with my Martin Logan reQuests is an Aragon 4004MkII (200W/C)-- not bad at a fairly resonable price point used (approx.$800-$1,000). However, I just auditioned an Audio Research VT100MkII. It not only handled my reQuests with aplomb, but provided the sound I had always wanted but had not found until the A/R. Other amps auditioned were Bryston 7B-ST monoblocks and QuickSilver monoblocks. Neither came close to the VT100.
Olivier, you made a good choice there. I have the SL3's myself and found the biggest difference was made by the use of Alpha Core Goertz AG1 speaker cables in a biwire configuration. As someone else here mentioned, these speakers have a dip to about 1.5 ohms, which can strain almost any amp. The Alpha Cores somehow relieve (dunno how, I'm not an engineer) the strain and let the music flow. Find a dealer who has them or buy a pair and re-listen to your amp choices. I believe there are a couple pairs for sale here and at some other sites. You can also go to www.alphacore.com/goertz.htm and check them out. By the way, I am now using the Muse 160 and am very happy with it.
I am running two conrad johnson sonographe sa 250's and love it - gives you 260 watts under $2500 - great sound stage
ML speakers tend to like tubes. They show up the grunge in most SS gear. Try Melos or Quicksilvers. I have had good luck with both on my SL3s.
Olivier, I use two different amps. VTL 225 mono tubes sound great. I also use the new EAD Powermaster 2000 for HT and it rivals the VTLs. I go back and forth. Tubes have a little warmer sound and the EAD has incredible power for the bottom end, but also very detailed. Jerry