What is the status of Deltec Precision Audio (DPA)?

Does anyone (perhaps in Britain) know what is going on with Deltic Precision Audio and its CEO/designer Adrian Walker?  Their Facebook page continues to have updates, but I have tried to contact them/him numerous times without any response lately.  At his advice, I sent back an MA1 amplifier from the USA for repair, paid for the repair, and never got it back -- unbelievable!  My DPA system is lacking one channel, and it looks like it always will.

Lost amp now back with owner who paid Adrian Walker £800 up front repair fee for work that was never done.

The amp was sent to me by Joe Walsh and I repaired the amp for £96 on a strict parts and postage basis, no charge for labour.

This sorry saga has lasted 4 years. But happily the amp is back home Stateside working quite well or so I have been told.


I wonder if I can ask you a question about an Enlightenment CD transport and DX32 I recently acquired?  With the LCD display on the transport is the backlight replaceable or is it part of the display? Unfortunately this one does not seem to light up.  Also are there any service diagrams for these as there seems to be an issue where the DELTRAN imtermittently looses lock.  Many thanks. Russ
He is still at it, just had a very close shave with Walker, a very dishonest man and total fantasist, avoid at all cost.
This is a message for Tom Whelan (dpa_service)...

Long time no see Tom!
I trust you are keeping well. 
Must get together for some special Greek brew...
