What is the "sound" dif. between a Joule -Elctra OTL and a SET amp??

Guys- I currently have the Wyetech Topaz 211 with KR 211 tubes and audio note transformers which I love - BUT have always been intrigued by the Joule Elctra OTL's at past shows- I have been offered by a dealer a pair of VZN-100's not sure if they are MK IV or V or what the difference between the 2 versions are but was wondering from a sound presentation between my 211 SET amps and the OTL- I am using the Classic Audio T1.4 horn speakers- Thanks so much for the opinions as always!!
guys-just coming around on my amp selection as life gets in the way- I just picked up a set of Joule- Electra VZN-100 mk V(Green Board) and a LA300 Marianne preamp- they def. take a little time to get used to -Playing with the variac and biasing each tube and they def. throw off the heat!!- But they are by far and away the best amps I have had- The Wyetech has excellent build quality but the sound was almost sterile in comparison to the Joules- Even though rated about the same power 100 - the joules seem to have alot more power-They throw a huge soundstage in every direction- There is a slight buzz from the speakers but you do not hear it when listening to music- they are def. a keeper- thanks to all who gave advice-
I am also a new owner of a vzn-80 amp along with the La300-me and I agree with fluffers. It is a great combination and I am very happy with the combination.