What is the best amplifier for Rockport speakers?

I am interested in viewpoints on power amplifiers for Rockport Technology speakers (Merak, Antares or Hyperions).

Could you please tell us about the new Tenor amps coming out?

Thank you
Brad: The new Tenor amplifiers will be shown at CES in a few weeks. They are 300/600/1200 watts into 8/4/2 homs with aboutt least 6 db of headroom. Although I have not heard them yet, I am told they will sound exactly like the 75 Wp, but with the ability to limitlessly drive any speaker.

Come to CES. We will be showing them with the Kharma's.

Thank you for the response.

Work is sending me down so I plan on being there. I look forward to meeting you. Have a Happy New Year.

I love it when an mega buck equipment dealer like Jtinn says sometihing like "Andy Payor himself uses them(Tenor amps) and says he has never heard anything like them before."

Classic argument by assumed authority- Logic 101.

Did Mr.Payor design the Rockport speakers to use the Tenor amps or did he just try and build the best speakers he could?

Banpuku- I suggest you carefully read Mr.Crump's comments and threads if you seek the truth about amps/equipment for the Rockports.

Unlike Jtinn, Mr.Crump builds and designs audio products.

I think you'll find a properly designed speaker like the Rockports, will work well with a number of amps which don't
require a five figure investment.

Hau'oli Makahiki Hou!
Kana813, I also sell audio products so I would take anything I say with a grain of salt as well! Manufacturers normally only like their own gear so I am way too partial, but have used the Rockports now for a decade and know what they like in terms of power and control....I use solid state gear as I use my system to voice products and it must sound the same from day to day....I also own tube gear I use to keep a handle on where we are and where we are going.....You can get down the road with either technology and no it isn't necessary to spend a fortune on amps for the Rockports as used a borrowed Quad 405 Mk II here for a month or so it took to get a broken CTC amp put back together a few years ago and it wasn't just a horrible ride, just a little slow and a bit bright......Music still played 24/7 here.....