what is the best amp for B&W 802N

Hi. I just bought B&W 802N. And I'm using MF-A3.2cr. Should I get a more powerfull MF or Krell. I can list my amp for sale and get more power. Looking for used one, and want to spend $2k on 2ch amp.
Mcintosh MC501. Best match with my B&W 802N. I went from Classe CAM350 MB to Cary Audio V12 MB. Happy and very much satisfied with MC501.
Parasound HCA-3500 is like an older version of the JC-1's. It drives my 802N's really well. Pay attention to the preamp, as well. I got an Audio Research LS16 MkII, and wow... Don't mess with solid state preamps....these babies want to breathe.
I am looking for a Amp to drive my 802N too.
My room size is 18' x 20'.

I am looking at Rotel RB1092 ($2500) + RC1070 ($500)
Mc's MA6900 ($5k) buy only 200W.

I select these two because of their small form factor. Do I have to get MC501 to push this speakes for my room size?

Thanks in advance.