What is a good bookshelf

I own PSB Mini Stratus speakers. I want to upgrade to a bookshelf that has more space and more midrange with a sparkling upper end.

These speakers are great only lack in midbass and upper end.

Any ideas? I am willing to pay up to $2k for it.

Interesting idea-call parts Express. Sometimes they have identical replacement drivers. Very inexpensive and might be worth a try. easy to replace and it might be fun!
06-21-09: Skyclmbr
I wonder if my oldest son blew tweeters when I was on vacation. I have owned these since 2000. I havent really used the stereo much until I moved to new residence. I wonder if that maybe the cause?
Since the Stratus Mini has dual sets of binding posts, remove the jumpers and attach the speaker cables just to the tweeter inputs. Then feed it a low-to-medium amplitude signal and see if the tweeters are making any sound.