What equipment do you really like?

This thread was actually suggested by Trelja. What is out there in the Audiophile world that you really, really like. You don't have to own this equipment, it can be on your wish list. Let's keep this civil please. I will take action against those that can't behave. ENJOY!!!
Amps: Lamm ML2 (my dream amps), VTL Wotan (soo many tubes!)
Preamps: CJ ART, Thor (could a preamp look cooler than thor?)
Speakers: Verity Lohengrin (scary looking monsters)
Cables: Nordost Vahlalla, FIM Gold
CD players: Linn Sondek (the best?), Audio Aero Capitole (the best within reason?)
Finally, the desert - Sennheiser Orpheus.
Symphonic Lines will be my first choice. I have been using their pre and amp for years and they sound very musical and
involving. Not many people knows Symphonic Line from germany. I have not listened to their speakers yet, they are quite expensive, but I will try one in the future.
What about:

Verity Lohengrin speakers (Parsifals would be ok)
Wadia 861 CD Player
Audio Research REF 2MKII Stereo Preamplifier
Audio Research REF 600 MKIII Mono Amplifiers
Siltech Compass lake ICs
Siltech Emperor speaker cables
Any 5$ power cable :-)

Maybe it's a bit overkill for a room 15X13 :-)
i'm happy with my rotel products, preamps and turntable.

i'm happy with my otl amp.

and i'm happy with my vmps ribbon speakers.

i really like these pieces of equipment.