What does "good" sound like?

I'm not sure where this topic should go, but here's the deal....My old roommate had an Adcom 5400 on my Kilpsch kg 3.5's with a Yamaha receiver and player(don't know the model #'s). We went our own ways and I decided to buy another 2 channel amp. I loved the way the Adcom sounded, but that was all I had ever heard. I did a little research and found many people loved to mate Aragon with Klipsch. So I ended up getting a 2004 mkII. It sounds way different, apples and oranges. I had no idea an amp could sound different. The problem is I don't listen to what most people listen to on here. I listen to mostly alternative/hard rock. Plus, it's in a different room with different components and wiring, although my wiring is better. I have a Yamaha htr5250 receiver and I had a Sony dvd player, it crapped out. I used to dac's from the Yamaha anyway because I thought they sounded better. With the Adcom I could really hear the guitars, they really stood out. Now with the Aragon the lead guitars are set really far back and the bass guitar and kick drum are really brought forward. I have to say, I like the Adcom better. The bass was pretty weak but the mid's and hi's were so much better. It seemed much more "alive" as you could hear guitar plucks and finger slides and much more detail. The Aragon is much better through the entire spectrum though, that thing will slam. I had no idea those little Klipsch's would go so low. So what am I missing here? Is it just that the Adcom was strong in the right frequencies and was more suited to the music I listen to? Or could it be the dac's are different? The room is different, but I doubt that's it. I don't think I have the right words to describe what it is I'm trying to say. Like, do I need better mid range or top end? I kind of want to swap out the Aragon for an Adcom 5500, but I love the aragon with movies because it has such great bass. Any suggestions? Thanks.
Yeah, about the wife, lol.....I already owned all this stuff before me and her got together. Well I never really discussed exactly how much it all cost, she just knew I was into it. Well the dvd player goes out and I'm thinking I'll be conservative because I'm about to have a baby. Like $300 or so. She about slapped me, lol. Same thing with the tv. Keep it around $1000. She's starting to understand though. Now at my parents's, I hooked some of their stuff up and showed her the difference one thing can make. She couldn't believe wiring made a differnce. I didn't tell her "only if you have equipment to take advantage of it", lol. I'm definately open minded about all this. Once I get settled for good I'll see what it sounds like. Bascially it comes down to 1)do I want the movies to sound great or 2) do I want the music to sound great, because each amp had their fortes's. So what most people consider to be good sound is if it sounds live? I say most people, not everyone.
I agree with most of the responses concerning the room setup. But don't disregard your original premise. The power amp can make a big difference in how your system sounds. I'm not an audio expert but I have swapped out power amplifiers on my system with everything else the same and heard dramatic differences in sound quality.
Maybe this thread is dead, but I wanted to update my system.

I still own my Chorus II's, but I recently switched to PS Audio Statement cables, Cardas XLR Balanced cables, and upgraded my AMP to the THETA Dreadnaught II 5X225.

I am biased, aren't we all? But DAMN! that AMP has made a mind blowing difference (My system and Theta review is posted).

It does well with Regina Carter, or Art Porter and Ronnie Earl, or at home with James Taylor Jackson Browne and Susan Vega. Or accoustic guitar greats like Don Ross, Leo Kotke, et al. It can play Creed, or Delerium....it doesn't matter they all sound amazing.

ALL the inner detail is there, voclas and background vocals POP....Klipsch are killer with cymbals,bass drum and sound effects.....the THETA, in my experience has helped me fall in love with my Klipsch again and my entire vast CD collection.....you hear what you are supposed to hear...there is NO LACK of BASS whatsoever...it pounds out...and this match can be sweet when necessary.

As I suggested, the what I paid for these speakers...nothing I have ever heard can match their ability to image and "dissapear" in a room. My speakers are nearly 14ft apart. Now maybe if the Theta can do this for my modestly priced Klipsch's, imagine what they good do for some highly regarded speakers such as Legacy 20/20's or equiv.....but right now...where I sit...moving out my Klipsch's is not an option.