What does EMI or RFI sound like?

It's dawned on me that I have some pretty respected line conditioning gear in my system that wasn't cheap to purchase yet I don't know what EMI or RFI 'noise' sounds like . . . My Equi-Tech and Foundation Research line conditioners both claim to remove EMI/RFI but I haven't tinkered around with listening with or without them in the playback chain. In case you're wondering, the Equi-Tech 2Q is a 2,000 watt power transformer weighing 80lbs and provides 'balanced power' while the Foundation Research is a bi-directional filter. I have my CDP pluged into the Foundation Research which is itself plugged into a digital recepticle on the Equi-Tech unit - kind of like 2 sets of EMI/RFI noise supression set up daisy chain like. . .

Any help would be appreciated.
I thought the Equi-Tech 2Q requires a 20-amp circuit?
I’m glad you are using a dedicated line that will help in a lot of ways, although that doesn’t answer your question.
Lak - yes the Equi-Tech 2Q unit is a 20amp circuit but it is fine if plugged into a 15amp circuit providing you don't try and put a 20amp load on the 15amp circuit it's connected to. . . so far so good.

Any other ideas on what Electro Magnetic Interferance (EMI) or Radio Frequency Interferance (RFI) sounds like . . . ?
Make sure that your TV cable is not too close - I had the same problem and it was driving me nuts...