What do you think about Definitive Technology?

How do folks feel about these speakers for HT? audio? Am I wasting my B&K ref 30 on these? I've aready started buying (surrounds and center) but bought used and could sell w/o loss. I've been buying for about 1/2 MSRP- if that trend continues it will cost about 3500 for the definitve tech speakers (w/o sub). BUT if I buy used and spend 5000-6000 how much of an improvement would there be? and what brands would you recommend where the C,L,R, and surrounds go for a total of 5-6K used? Most everyone here is far more experienced than I so I appreciate the feedback!

For Home Theater usage Definitives are very hard to beat, especially if you shop around and get them used at around 50% of retail. I have been using an all Definitive Home Theater system for years (BP 2004s (Fronts), CLR 1000 (Center), BPX (Rears) plus a Powerfield 1500 sub. This combo works very well especially the 2004 internal subs with the external 1500 sub. I recently replaced my BP10s with the 2004s which was a big improvement, found such a great deal I could not pass them up. So for movies they are great you would be more than satisfied. For music they are very good but not great. I have a totally separate two channel system for serious listening. Comparing is hard because of the price difference between the two systems, so if you are going to primarily use them for HT go for it. Service from DT is first rate.
Hats off fellow Audiogoners. All of you clearly disagreed with me but were extremely courteous and objective. That doesn't happen on every site. You're a credit to the "audioholic" world ;-)
I own a pair or 2004 that I got for $325 on Ebay and a CLR center for $300 and you cannot beat them for HT. In fact, I will never let them go. You will need another set for audio other than DT. Maybe a pair of B&Ws for the DTs lack that musical image.
I'd just assume have Magnepan speakers, even for HT duty. Especially if you crave the bipole effect of the DefTechs. I'd look at the 1.6/QRs for the fronts and perhaps their center and surround speakers if your want 5.1. you could push the fronts with a Krell KAV-300i and it would be plenty dynamic and capable of SPLs that would literally drive you from the room (like 110+dB SPL). But then, planars are my bias. So take that with a grain of salt. I started with Eosone RFS-600's which were dipoles. It depends on what you want. But unless the maggies aren't dynamic enough for you I think they be strong contenders for about $1.6K/pair.

Perhaps more importantly is what prompted you to post this thread in the place? What do you curently like about your deftechs? What you your like to change? These answers may be key. But I still stand my my maggie recommendation.
My whole HT setup uses DT, i have a set of the 2004TL's for fronts (250 W Sub not 125) a Procenter C2, a couple of BP6's for the surrounds and a Prosub 200.
All in all, i think they sound fantastic. My system is somewhat hurt by the reciever that i use, im looking to go with a amp/pre-amp setup within the next 6 months when some of my finances will be freed.
The only problem i have with them is the accoustics of the room my HT is in, its in a finished basement and kinda wierd. The benefit to having a set of these 2004tls with an extra subwoofer means you can really fill the room with bass. Being bi-polar and rather picky about having thier space, its hard to get them set to where thier bi-polar nature and side firing subwoofers to sound like you want. with an extra sub you can find just the right place to put it and kill all the "dead spots" where bass is concerned.

I hear alot of people talk that they are not great with music, So far i think they are fantastic, however, i dont have an amp/pre setup, im using the reciever. Im a little bit disheartened about this as i dont have the funding alot of people do. Shelling out 1,600 for a pair of speakers is not something i can do very often.

I listened to them at a dealer before i bought them, there were a nice new set of $3000 KEF speakers sitting right next to them, and they have it set up so you can swap from different amps, speakers, players, etc. I gotta say, the 2004TLs blew the much more expencive KEF speakers away. for movies AND music. The KEF's had the tweeter up top in a seperate small encloure. Some people like this set up, but i think it sounds terrible. I feel like a speaker should sound like its doing all the sound on its own, the KEF's high range sounded like it was a completly different source.
Anyways, after spending months looking for a good set of speakers to upgrade to, the moment i heard these i was hooked. I listen to everything Rock, Rap, Techno, Blues, Classical, Country, Bluegrass, alternative, everything. These speakers preform and sound real good with everything i throw at them.
1 Exception however, very hard rock does not play well at high volumes with my system, it could be the speakers, but i would say it has more to do with the Technics SA-TX 50 THX reciever im pushing these with. The poor guy rocks with movies, but does not have the power to handle high volumes of complex music, its little amplifiers just cant control the speakers. Thats why im aiming to upgrade these.
Im sure i can throw an ADCOM 300w/ch amp and pre-amp at these babys and that problem will be GONE! :)

As far as Deftech goes, i think for movies they are simply awesome. Even with my thx certified reciever, my HT sounds better than any theater ive been to.
For music, i think they sound very good as well. Maybe after im in the hobby for longer and go through different amp / pre amp / speaker combo's i will see what other people are talking about.

As far as power goes.... Wow.. these things have an extremly commanding presence. First time i heard them i got a huge grin on my face and did not want to leave them alone

I agree with what everyone else says on one thing though, you NEED ROOM for these. I have mine about 2ft from the back and side walls (no room to do any more), and i think they sound fantastic. As you move them further back and out, they really lose thier capability.

Im not really sure how anybody COULD be unhappy with thier performance. I've heard plenty of speakers that cost 2-3 times as much that diddnt sound as good as these.

OzFly, I think the Deftechs you were listening to were either damage or set up very poorly. the low-mids and high-lows are definatly there with my set. The retailer might not have spent any time trying to position them. I've been in my new house for about 2 months now and i still find myself slightly tweeking thier location.

they need thier space..

they look real sleek too dont they? :)