What do you sit on?

As my system has improved I am spending more time listening but my "sweet spot" is not as comfortable as I would like. I'm looking at new chairs, recliners, etc.  This is one topic I have not seen discussed on Audiogon. What kind of chair, perhaps what specific manufacturers are favored by experienced audiophiles? Maybe a little crowd sourcing in this area might turn up some overlooked gems in the way of listening room furniture.
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rickytickytwo -- every camping chair I've ever tried forces my back into a slump.  Different strokes...
My friend had a dedicated listening room designed in his newly built house with dedicated circuits and lots of RPG room treatment. His system was comprised of very highend equipment like Mark Levinson, Krell and Wilson Audio.  Our group of four assembled one evening to do some serious listening, After a few minutes, we all agreed that his usually superb-sounding system sounded terrible. The only thing that had been changed since our last listening session was the addition of a new leather sofa that his wife admired.  We picked it up and moved it out of the room.  Instantly, the room sounded as good as before.  We moved it back and the system sounded awful again.  Needless to say, we moved it out one more time --- and it remained out !  We never figured out why it made such a drastic difference, but it most certainly did.
Make sure you can return any new furniture addition to your listening space.