What do/did you do for a living?

With the increasingly high priced items people own and are selling, I'm curious about the line of work people do or have done. I thought my $5k integrated was a massive investment, but seeing users searching for $100k speakers or $75k SET amplifiers has me curious about the varying lines of work people do to afford these items. 

I worked as nephrologist for 40years and now retired.  Listening to my music in my audio room every night while  seeping scotch before I go to bed kept me sane.

I work for a karaoke app company. Also been a professional sound designer, composer, producer, and audio engineer. I make records, and play a bunch of instruments. Been accused all my life of spending all my money on guitars and studio gear, and not on a decent system for enjoying music. That's why I'm here.

Still not buying <$100 USD interconnects.

More than happy to be involved in discussions related to music-making and stereo gear.
I'm an entrepreneur. I own and manage an international gelato franchise chain. I live in Italy.
Retired Record Store owner operator. Did that for 20 years in a small town. Was a chef before that. Didn't make much money running a Record Store but had some good perks. Married with no kids which frees up a lot of cash apparently. My current systems are pretty modest by Audiogon standards.