What Do Amp Guys Think About Bele Canto Evo2's?

I must admit I've never owned a stand alone amp... ouch that hurt, please don't flog me! ;-) However, I've changed gears and will be in the market for both a pre-amp and amp. Because my system has to do double duty as both a two channel music listening station and a home theatre I'm pretty much a solid state kind of guy, although I do appreciate the warm liquid quality of tubes.

In any event, any thoughts on the Bele Canto amps... the professional reviews have been stellar, particularly for their price (around $2,300).

I've had an Evo in my system for about 4 years now and couldn't begin to say enough good about it. It's almost as if the amp isn't even there. I've had tubes and several solid state brands, and I have not heard a better reason to switch.
A great amp for the money. Fast as all get out, detailed, controls 90% of the speakers out there. A good company, easy to communicate with. Some may say it's a little dry, a little less than liquid, but when coupled with Bel Canto's Pre-1 this problem disappears. Great build quality. Can't recommend enough. The only thing I'd suggest is definitely buying used. Save money for an amp that might outlive many an audiophile.
They are amazing amps for the money, all of what was said above is true. I would add that they are much better as bridged monos, or buy a 200.4 and bridge it to stereo. I can't think of a single amp in the world that can compete with these at their price level.