What CD Transport with TacT DAC ?

Any suggestions for a transport to use with a Tact 2.0S w/Dac? I really like the room correction, but I think I might need a up/over sampling transport to get the most out of the 192/24 DAC. Where should I start?
Hi Kenyonbm, I recently purchased also a Tact 2.0S, and at the same time changed source from TEAC P700 transport to a TEAC P30; differences are clearly udible, that means that Tact is a good D to A converter (it is a room correction device firts of all!!!).
I suppose Tact makes an upsamplng to 24/192 for all inputs (I am not sure), so the frequency output of cdplayer is not the most important fact; better an "old" 16/44.1 from a good cd player than a "new" 24/192 from an anonymous cd player... and don't forget: digital output stages are not all identical (usually in a cd player they are not good as a cd transport...).
Good listening
The Tact doesn't require anything special in a transport. From the Tact website:

"Lower sampling rate formats such as CD and DAT are upsampled with the highest quality sample rate converter at the input so that DA conversion can take place at 192 kHz. "

These are user-selectable. The Toslink only does up to 96, though.
So, get as good a transport as you can afford, and don't skimp on the digital cable (I've found this as important as the transport--my digital cable actually costs more than my transport). With my Tact, I've used transports from Micromega, Tascam and a couple modified Sonys.

The Empirical-modded Sony 7700 is my current reference. I also use a Genesis Digital Lens between the transport and Tact. It lowers jitter and really makes a difference. It can be set to upsample to 20-bit output, and add dither, if you want (I like the sound this way).

You can consider other jitter boxes, such as the Sonic Frontiers, which upsamples to 24/96 and send that to your Tact. I tried one in my system and actually preferred the upsampling being done by the Tact instead, but YMMV. I also used a Camelot, but ultimately settled on the Lens. Or you can get an upsampling transport like the Northstar, but I think if it came to a choice I'd recommend the Lens.

Good luck. The Tact is some great (and underappreciated) equipment. Consider a good power cord and isolation, as, as most digital gear, these are sensitive and responsive areas.

Good luck
Massimobar and Richards, thank you both for your ideas.

Richards, I gather from your comments, that the TacT unit performs up sampling so there is no need to have a up sampling transport. This makes sense to me. I'm using a Levinson 39 with a cheapo balanced abs/ebu cable. Any suggestions on cabling?

I have only had the 2.0S two days, but I really like it. I really like being able to measure and control my system rather than guessing and hoping.

For my first project, I have programmed my own correction curve. Any ideas where I can find guidance on how to use the vast potential of this thing? Some of my questions are: since you can create you own correction curve, what does parametric equalization add?, or user settable tone controls? why would I want to invert just one channel? how do you interpret the dual domain screen?

The documentation is pretty thin when you consider the complexity.

I have found the users group at Yahoo.

I am also going to try using a SqueezeBox II and my computer as a source. I'll keep you posted.