What CD Palyer

Hi guys
I'm new to this forum
I have a small dilemma
What will be the best cd palyer to my system

Paradigm studio 40s..Sub -Seismic 12
AVR Anthem MRX 700..

I'm interested in Rotel RCD 1520 or Arcam 17 ..
Thank you for any answer
Hi guys
I'm new to this forum I have a small dilemma
also I have a Meridian 596 dvd plyer and Meridian 568.2
surround proc..The 596 over the years have been giving me trouble..had it repaired twice(video issues dvd-rom)and now the audio side cuts off while playing..I luv the processor and would like to get a compatible cd/dvd player to replace the 596..I'll go used price around 2k or something new
any suggestions will be most appreciated
There are a lot of good "universal" players available, some used at really good prices. Clarify where you need HDMI or not.

I would suggest looking into the Ayre unit that sold for quite a bit new, but used is really very reasonable. Another consideration would be the Esoteric units (like the DV50S which have really come down in price). I would be very careful of a used Krell disc player as their units have had numerous problems. There are a lot of players that fit this bill, determining the output types will start to help you narrow it down.

Personally, I would consider looking at two players, one for DVD and the other for music. I would get an OPPO DVD player (pretty cheap, used for about $200 or even less) and use the differenct between that and your budget to get a better CD player. That of course follows my own goals - best performance for music. The OPPO players are very good for video.
I have the Panasonic blue-rayBD80 which I think would suffice on the video side..My preference is more toward music so my focus would be on a formidable CD player..
any sugestions ? Used would be fine(2k or less)