What are the best speakers for Mahler?

I really love Mahler symphony. But I was never happy with the sound of any system so far.(I am still newbie though)

Does anybody have any recommendations for the speakers?

Happy listening
I love my Dynaudio 1.3SE's but alas they're better with the micro (like Mahlers 4th) ..If the day comes that a speaker mfg. can accuratley reproduce Mahlers 8th, we'll have reached the Holy Grail.
Sorry Brendel, I meant to add that you might look at the Dynaudio Evidence :) Seriously though, I would suggest looking at Dynaudio if you're close to a dealer. They have a broad line and in my opinon all classical music sounds good with the Dyns 'cause they're such a neutral sounding speaker..my 2 cents. Good luck
Thanks for the all reply and I totally agree that the live performance is the best and there is no perfect speakers out there.

I have about 70 mahler records(CD, LP, SACD). And the main reason why I ask this question is that I believe that if one speaker can reproduce mahler good enough, then that speaker can do almost any job(^^)

Anyway I will follow the opinion for my next upgrade.
