what are some of best tonearms you own or experience with.

i have Triplaner universal and is very good.   want a 2nd thothinking of Kuzma 4-point 14 inch.???what others?
The best arms I have owned:
  • Audio Origami PU7
  • Rega RB2000
  • Alphason HR100MCS
  • Moerch DP6

The worst:
  • Kuzma 4Point
  • Kuzma 4Point9
  • Naim ARO
  • SME IV
I highly recommend the Kuzma 14" 4 point.  I'm quite surprised that a couple of guys listed Kuzmas as among the worst (though the 14"er was not on that list).  I also agree with an earlier post which stated that it hard to evaluated a tonearm alone.  The pairing of a cartridge will have a significant impact on performance.  Naturally, the turntable, itself, is also of major import.  that is why it is so difficult and complicated to set up a proper analogue rig.  ...and then there is the phono stage, not to mention the preamps, amps, and cables.  Oh, I forgot to mention how crucial a proper setup is to maximum (or awful) performance. 

As  indicated, I use the 14" 4 point Kuzma and it is attached to the Kuzma Stabi XL DC turntable (their newest and top of their line), with a Koetsu Rosewood Signature Platinum cartridge.  The sound is spectacular.  It is played through a complete Naim Audio 500 Series system, about to be upgraded to the Naim Statement next month.
I also vote for the SME V - I use them on both of my tables.  The Grahams are also excellent, and at the lower end some of the Regas give very good value .

I have played around with things like the Mission Mechanic (good luck finding one) which were quite good.