What amps for Maggies?

I'm considering a Maggie setup for my new dedicated home theater with 3.6s up front. What amps does everyone like with the Maggies? What works and what doesn't? BTW, the room will be approx 26'x21'x10'.
You guys must play much louder than I do.

I have 20's and I'm only using 30 watt tube amps.


John C.
Parasound JC1's (sublime, very full rich sound) - Macdadtexas -

I agree and I would add "transparent" too
Right now, I am using a EAR 534 with my 3.6 Maggies. My room is small and my volume is low...which is fine. I am considering adding another EAR or buying new amps for my new room. Considering Wolcotts or Boulders.