It took me a while to get the thing extricated from the two boxes and plastic wrap. Then I removed the top cover, opened the foam-wrapped vacuum tubes and seated them. After finally getting the top cover back on, I hefted thing onto the table I'm using for an amp stand and on the way over to it, something metal slides inside! That's weird. About this time my parents came over. So we took the top cover off and eventually found two washers sitting in the bottom of the unit. Well, "I'm glad I found that before I turned it on," I thought. We looked around and couldn't see any similar washers anywhere in the unit. Weird. Then I decided we better make sure there's nothing else. So two of us picked up the unit and tipped it in several directions. Sure enough, a small click-tinkle of metal was heard coming from the right side of the unit. So we took the side panel off. There was an inch long bolt - well, an inch of a longer bolt - with a nut on it sitting on the circuit board! I'm really glad I found that one!
So now I have a broken bolt, a nut, and two washers loose in my new treasure. After looking more, I found that there are four bolts that mount the main power transformer. One broke off. After assuring myself that all the pieces associated with that bolt were accounted for, I hooked up the amp, powered it up, and . . .
owhw-howhwh . . . that's nice.
Listened to several familiar pieces and sound is lovely.
I'll do some more listening with my wife tomorrow.
Now, I suppose I need to replace that bolt . . .