Western Electric 300a and 300b


I'm new to audiogon and this forum. I was referred by a friend. I've got a couple Western electric 300a and 300b engraved base tubes. One of each. Looking to see what amps will fit these, and or possibly sell the tubes. Thanks a bunch. Let's see if I can navigate this forum. Cheers.


People ask crazy money for engraved-base 300b’s.  I saw seversl asks of $20k for a pair.  Of course, ask and whst they get can be WAY different.  I heard several push pull and a SET running those tubes (two pairs per channel). 
As crazy as are those prices, 300a’s are even more rare and expensive.  I’ve only seen and touched a pair, I did not hear them.  The dealer and builder of custom amps was collecting them for a customer who need two pairs.

If you really don’t know much about these things, sell them.  Do not use them in any crappy gear; they deserve to be used in really good amps.


I can't believe it! I'm into collecting tubes and looking at signals. I haven't listened to these. But yes, I think I will sell them 

Any connections?



Contact Deja Vu Audio in Virginia.  They buy these kind of tubes for use in reconditioned/rebuilt Western Electric amps. 

Not familiar with 422A, but it is described as being indirectly heated (as is the 5ar4).

