Website leaking oil?

Has anyone checked the classified section of AudioReview lately? Specifically, since they changed the way they run it? There used to be mountains of equipment for sale. Now, there seems to be almost nothing. I have bought some equipment through classifieds on AudioReview, and lament what has happened.
I looked it over too, & I think that they're doing more than just posting ads for that kind of dough. If I understand correctly, they're acting as transaction-facilitator & escrow agent go-between between seller & buyer, thus explaining their greatly increased fees. Could be worthwhile as a means of protection for both parties involved. Would certainly be worthwhile in some cases, but should be an optional extra-cost feature if implemented (here) as there are plenty of sellers here whose reputation does not require any outside supervision whatsoever.

Don't give Audiogon any ideas! We don't need such "improvements" and "enhancements" here, thank you.
Charging a percentage makes perfect sense. The extra computational and network overhead involved in displaying the extra digits and bigger numbers in the more expensive, upper product range equipment is what does it.
they used to get more ads in a day than in a week. i emailed norbert about it, & he politely responded that he understood if would no longer take adwantage of the site. i'd tink they have to do some *serious* adjusting to make it wiable - perhaps going back to the old system for those not interested in the escrow/etc stuff...