Wavac EC-300B - Feedback Request

Are there any Wavac EC-300B owners out there who can share some feedback with me?

Wondering about things like Wavac reliability etc.

Any tips on tube rolling etc.

Would you recommend it to a friend?
i am using an md300b amp on an ag duo , some of the worst sounding amp i had heard on these
the guy i got it from says to get different tubes , but stock it sounds shit , its veiled , bass shy and all about midrange , rooled off on top
i am so dissapointed .its not even funny
i have an AG model 3 amp , and to my ears its far far superior
i cannot think of one person that can honestly keep a straight face and tell me it sounds good
however it looks good and seem to be totally silent on a 104 db horn
I have a Wavac EC-300B. It sounds really good. However my speakers are not good to it (Rega Ela - 89db). I hope I can change some day. I am using WE-300b. I would like to try other combinations 300b + 6L6GC.

Hi Rchan, I have a WAVAC EC 300B amplifier and it is a excellent sounding amplifier when matched with efficient speakers.
I have used it with the Avantgarde Duo Omega, Ocellia Calliope & Tannoy Westminster Royal speakers with wonderful results.
The Western Electric and KR 300 B are highly recommended.
Thanks Jason.
I have the Wavac, currently driving the Phy-HP KM30 coaxial driver in an open baffle. The virtues of the amp: Extremely quiet, supremely reliable, virtually no warmup time, all the virtues of 300b midrange with excellent extension at the frequency extremes. My only wish is that it had separate taps for 4, 8, 16 ohm output. The outputs are available internally, but require some soldering skills and courage.