Washington Post Article

Just wanted to alert members to an article appearing in the Style section of today's (6/13/01) Wash. Post.It is one of those articles that seems to be recycled every few years ridiculing the excesses of the audiophile community. As is typical it focusses on the bleeding edge fringe of the hobby, profiling a man who is at $140K and counting,is obssesed with stopping hum being produced by his fridge. The article includes some quotes from Deja Vu Audio pointing out to the reporter a $10k turntable and a pair of speakers with "magnet-suspended" tweeters. Just what we needed! My girlfriend described the article as a disturbing glimpse of what I might become. (My system is circa $10K in total.) Thanks again to the mainstream media for shining a light on the seedy underbelly of the audio community.
Geeks picked up on this article too :

Think positive! News coverage means WE EXIST, officially, as testified by articles in aforementioned prestigious publications. i.e., we may become mainstream, one day. So, we won't have to explain to significant others et alia, the *why* of our next, imminent, here it comes, giga$ upgrade. We'll be "normal", bog-standard, connoisseurs. Just like those that spend $100 on one cigar, then proceed to put it on fire. End of said cigar. (Good smoke, however.) Our rigs last longer PLUS no fire hazard (usually).
Who advertises more in the Washington Post: Circuit City or any high-end dealer?

Who likes to make fun of high-end consumers of any stripe?

Who likes to defend personal and behavioral excesses on the part of the "unfortunate" and liberal Democratic politicians, while highlighting and decrying the same by the "fortunate" and conservatives?

It's all the same crap, in the same old crap wrapper. If it didn't leave ink stains I'd use it for toilet paper to recycle it.

And...can't we all just get along?

Or as Dean Martin and Barbra Stresand used to croon,
"everybody needs somebody
to pee on..."