warmest speaker cables you've heard?

I'm looking for a short length of speaker cables, which i need to be as warm as possible..
Price wise, looking at USD700 and below for 1m length pair.

it'll be placed in between an Apollon stereo 1et400a power amp and a RAAL-requisite SR1a speaker adaptor box.
The SR1a is ruthless and clinical and I am looking to add as much warmth as I can. 

Assume the rest of the gear and interconnects have been decided/cannot be swapped out. So just left with the speaker cables to sort out.

I've been told the following are good candidates:
Kimber 8TC
Tellurium Q Black II
Tellurium Ultra Blue

Anything else I should be looking at?

Thanks. Unfortunately, I had already gone ahead and ordered 4 meters from PartsConnexion before I saw your post. We’ll see how it goes. Thankfully, they aren’t that expensive if I experience similar smells. Your current cables are way beyond my budget. Thanks for the follow-up.

@docroasty Wow! You weren't kidding about the smell. I have them sitting outdoors to see if that goes away. I've stripped them down and getting a multimeter this weekend to figure out pos/neg and attach to plugs. At this point, I do want to see how they sound, but not sure they'll stay in the house. I told PartsConnexion they should warn us about that.

I put the cables outside for a week and the smell went away. After swapping out my Synergistic Research cables, I swapped in the Duelunds and the let them play and I found them exactly what I was looking for. Warm and deep without any high-end etch. I tried some other cables, Mogami and Kimber, but nothing sounds as good as the Duelunds to me. I'm running the 16GA cables and contemplating ordering the 12GA. But it sounds so good, I figure why mess with it? I felt like it did take some time for the bass to fill out. I've been sampling speakers for my system so I've heard them in various configurations and it's all been good. I would venture adjectives of warm and natural capturing the rhythm of the music. If you're one of the people that wants "revealing" and "extended highs" you might want to look elsewhere. Though they do that well enough that I have to put in my EQ on those troubling recordings that are too treble forward. So, it's not like they're rolling anything off.

For once I agree with something jasonbourne has posted. Wires should not be considered tone controls. If you have a component that is too bright sell it! Attention should be paid to room acoustics as well. This could be part of the problem.