Can't beat this, and for those of you who haven't heard it - don't put it down until you do! The absolute best digital for the money. Pick up a reliable transport - as long as it has Coax digital out, the brand (or price!) doesn't really matter. Then get an Audio Van Alstine OmegaStar DAC. Hook it up, let it break in for a week, and hear the sweetest, least fatiguing digital you can imagine for far less than $2000. Great bass control, good extension, sweet midrange, detailed high end. At least do yourself a favor & audition it. Check out Frank Van Alstine's Website at -
- then give him a call & try one out. It will end your digital search. Remember - great sound doesn't have cost a fortune, nor carry a fancy name. Competent, well thought out design principles applied to Hi-fi gear shouldn't really be expensive. Spend your money listening to music - not buying more over-hyped Hi-fi gear.