
Has anybody out there had any experience with this combo? Wadia 830,Pass Aleph 3,and Avalon Arcus. Oh,and Audioquest cables. Thanks
Tsv--Sounds like you have a terrific system. Not familiar with Kharma speakers, but am very familiar with Eidolons. Simply the best at their price point, IMHO. Close bud owns Audio Unlimited here in Denver and uses Eidolons, Arcuses and Opuses for most eqipment auditions. You can't possibly go wrong with any of them. Good luck and let us know what you decide on.
tsv I just bought Aleph 2s, and am awaiting the Wadia 831. Meanwhile will use Aleph P as my CD won't passively drive the Alephs. Did you go with the Nordost to enliven the top end of the Alephs? I liked the Eidolons, too, but needed smaller speakers, so got V.A. Parsifal Encores--fabulous!
Hi Gino and Subaru, Gino, check out the Khrama CE 1.0s at www.kharmausa.com... I auditioned these down at Goodwins High-End in Waltham Mass a couple of weeks ago and they knocked my socks off. They completely disappeared! I really like the Eidolons but they do seem to add their own flavor/color... it's a good flavor, but it's there nonetheless (to my ears anyway). The Kharma's completely and totally remove themselves from the music... it's downright weird (in the best possible way). I'm hoping to close a deal with a person over the next week or so at just over half of retail... fingers are crossed. Good luck to you as well! Subaru, you will be thrilled with the Aleph 2s. They are excellent. You will grow to love them more and more over time. The only reason I would ever consider selling mine would be if I ever needed more power... but given the 2s can pump over 200W of Class A cleanliness into a 4 Ohm load... and given the Kharma's that I have my eye on are rated at 90dB sensitivity, I suspect I'll be just fine for a good long time. Regarding the Nordost interconnects... I'm not yet entirely convinced that these are working in my system. The Alephs are so damned transparent that making cable comparisons is almost too easy. I need to insert a few more analog interconnectes in my system before I can really be sure I've got the best match. BTW, I've not heard them, but I have heard from friends that the Parsifal Encores are wonderful... enjoy! Regards, tsv_1
Hello mr. Baxman, I'm happy to report you i have heard so many WADIA's over time, and although i'm more into analog now, i still have a warm heart for the WADIA's. can't go wrong with em ! Same thing for the PASSE's , i have heard many models, and although i'm into tubes [ i own Atma-Sphere MA-2's] I simply loved the PASS amps. They do everything so right ! so, if you just dont want tubes for whatever reason, the PASSES are the next thing. Also accounts for the AVALON's, i have heard most models in their range, the EIDOLON is simply a dream come true... So I think you cannot really go wrong with the three !! I would recommend to audition more than a couple of cables here, for sure a fine threesome. succes !