Wadia 861 SE or 581 SE.

Which player sounds better on cd only prior to mods.? It seems hard to believe that anything that plays SACD could do cd as well as a dedicated player. Any insight would be appreciated. Thanks
In a test between my 581se and a 861 (non se), the winner was 581se. But it's a very different sound between this 2 machine!

"But it's a very different sound between this 2 machine! "

can you describe these differences?
861 (non se):

• older (from 2001)
• unreadable display
• plastic remote
• Typical Wadia sound (big sound and punchy in bass section. A more blur sound.


• New (from oct. 2007)
• You can read the display from a distance
• A loooong loading time (between 15-20 sek.)
• Nice aluminum remote
• Big sound, but a lot more output in the middle range and NOT the typical punchy Wadia bass
• More dynamic, bigger sound, better control,
• It simply produced a better sound in any way!
But the 861 has the TEAC/Esoteric drive --> this should be the superior drive of the two. The TEAC/Esoteric drive should also sound better.
