VTA adjustment for VPI 10.5 tonearm

I am trying to get the VTA adjustment right on my reference superscoutmaster signature/10.5/koetsu rosewood signature platinum combo and right now classic records 200g and 180g set at "85" position seem right with a slight boominess in the bass. With thinner records (140-150g), it seems I need to lower it to around the "50" position in order to not have a graininess in the sound. Is my thinking correct or is there some other adjustment like adjusting the gain (I am using 30ohm load on my pass labs xono phonostage)? Any input would be appreciated. Also, how do I know the correct distance to keep the rim drive from the platter and should it be in the silver ridge or should I adjust the minifeet to have the rim sitting on the black part of the platter?
As anyone out there tried to fit a VPI 10.5i to an Avid deck? I am just doing this and at the powest VTA setting the arm is still quite high at the back thus not being able to start with a level setting
Disagree on the 'parallel arm tube' method.

Ultimately, SRA, not VTA, is the final arbiter for tracking a groove with a stylus, and many factors other than the arm tube influence SRA (angle that the cantilever exits the cart body, cantilever compliance and length, stylus shape, attachment of stylus to cant, etc.) I use a 30x magnifier, and my 'Littlelight' as a backlight, to initially set the SRA as closely as I can to 0 degrees (at 90 degrees to the record). I usually find that slightly raising the back of the arm provides the best sound, but my VPI 12.5 arm (like your 10.5) makes it easy to document repeatable settings.

I do agree, though, about making your settings on an 'average' thickness LP, finding a sweet spot, and then just playing some music-setting VTA for all records is way, way beyond my fussiness threshold, and borders on putting a premium on hi-fi effects, not on the music. IMO, of course.
Perhaps I have not quite explained my problem correctly.I am glad you know what I am trying to do, but what is happening is that on my lowest setting the back of my arm is SO much higher than the tip I think I am missing out on my optimum setting which could be somewhere between here and level, I totally agree with your thoughts but I am so far away from the 90degs to the record
Colinb-I was responding to the general issues of VTA/SRA brought up by the OP. You might be wise to start a new thread with your issue, but it sounds like you have a top-of-plinth/armboard to top-of-platter mismatch, probably due to the thickness of the Avid platter relative to the thickness of VPI platters.

Obviously, if the armboard was too low, it would be a simple matter to raise the arm. But in your case it might be much more difficult to lower the armboard. I'd start with communicating with an Aries dealer and/or distributor, and then, if necessary, ask here (and at Vinyl Asylum) for help.
I need to lower the 10.5i arm at the pivot a bit. With the VTA tower all the way down, my cartridge is still a tad high at the end.

I see a set screw next to the pivot. Not sure what moves though. The actual column or the pivot itself? Want to make sure before I adjust this.