VPI Traveler v1 vs v2 comparison

I am new to the site. I have been considering the purchase of the VPI Traveler but v1 or v2? I was just wondering if anyone knows the changes recently made to the traveler. I know they are said to be "improvements" but it's hard to tell with the new rubber feet and I heard the v2 replaces the IEC with a wall wart power supply, the wiring also appears to be downgraded by looking at the limited pictures I could find.
@smatty, the v2 Traveler has a 48v DC motor. I got my new RP6 for less than what you paid for your v2 Traveler and I think both are excellent tables around the $1000 price range. I really like the finish of the RP6 and the on-the-fly anti-skate adjustment (set to no anti-skate now). I was not sure of the power switch on the plinth of the v2 Traveler and I like the TTPSU on / off, plus the 33 / 45 separate from the table.

Did powdering the belt take care of the startup chatter on your v2?
@smatty, and if powdering the belt did take care of you startup chatter (I hope it did), I wonder why VPI does not ship the belt pre-powdered with a recommendation to do it every month or so? The startup chatter made the v2 Traveler feel cheapish to me...
I have had a V1 Traveler since November 2012 and really like the sound of this table.

I had used a Thorens TD125 AB Mk11 since 1971, and did many improvements to it along the way.

It wasn't ten seconds into the first song with the Traveler table that I knew I made a wise choice.

Sound stage, overall clarity, and much deeper bass response are the notable improvements.

This table is very easy to set up, and looks fabulous in my living room (version 1). My girlfriend even thinks it looks cool!

I decided to treat myself to a low output moving coil cartridge, being so happy with the Traveler. I bought a Denon DL301 Mk II and the Shure step up transformers.

This combination of this table, cart and xformers is just wonderful.

When I bought the Traveler I did not know about a version 2 about to be released, but feel that my version 1 looks like a more high end table.

I see a lot of complaining about belt chatter or squeal on start up with a Traveler table. I look at it this way- it is nice to know the motor has enough torque to squeal the belt, rather than marginal torque and no squeal.

If you remember back to the muscle car days, it was pretty hard to leave the light and not make the tires "talk' a little bit. Grandmas 6 cylinder Bel Air was silent, and could not get out of its own way. Tires were cheap then, so who gave a rats arse. Belts are still cheap, so, there you go again! RIP Ronald.

You should hear some of the 60's and early 70's Columbia 6 eye Les Elgart albums on this table. It's so good it makes you want to cry!!!! Talking about toe tapping good? This is the bomb!!!

P.S. upsampling cd player just gathering dust. May just have to turn it into a drink holder. LOL

Bye, Bruce